Meet this fabulous red head who had this brilliant idea of doing a yoga session...in the snow! I can officially say I've worn snow boots on the beach. Who knew how sinking the sand is in the winter & hats off to her for trying to do poses on what seemed like quick sand. Definitely different then a normal dry beach. Who knew? Of course, you know this is Cleveland where the weather can go from one extreme to the next instantly. I truly didn't think we were going to have the setting she
envisioned as the snow has been gone for nearly a week & it's been rainy & mucky. I knew we were suppose to get a few flurries today, but was I
surprised to wake up to a little over 2 inches of snow! I think God loves yoga sessions just as much as I do. He always seems to make sure the settings are just perfect. Come meet Carissa Moon for some amazing yoga classes at One Tree Yoga & Awaken Yoga in Euclid in the Shore Cultural Center. Thanks much again to Carissa. It was a
freezzzing, but definitely fun shoot. And thank you again to my dear friend Lisa Fleming for this great
referral. I did my 1st yoga portrait session with Lisa earlier this Summer at the beach & it was another amazing shoot & completely opened my eyes to the beauty & skill of yoga. Lisa is the owner of One Tree Yoga. Please feel free to check out her ethereal studio.