We live in a beautiful Victorian filled with history on a dead end street. It's a dead end street because our home is three down from train tracks. It took some quick getting use to & for the most part we don't notice them that often anymore. But what a treat when a neighbor texted that she heard a vintage steam engine was heading our way & to grab my camera. It was AmAzInG!!! I wish the trains still sounded that adorable too. How special when we can still capture memories of today...& the past! Here's some historical dibit on this beauty from the Lake County History Center.
"#nickelplate765 just passed through our backyard. What an amazing site!
From the host organization, Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society: "Historic steam locomotive no. 765 is a high-stepping, fourteen-wheeled, magnificent machine that stands 15 feet tall, weighs 404 tons, goes over 60 miles an hour and restored to the way it looked and sounded when it was built by the Lima Locomotive Works in 1944.
Celebrated for pulling passenger excursions throughout the country as a goodwill ambassador, the 765 is the pride of the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society and one of only a handful of steam locomotives that still operate in the United States."
"#nickelplate765 just passed through our backyard. What an amazing site!
From the host organization, Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society: "Historic steam locomotive no. 765 is a high-stepping, fourteen-wheeled, magnificent machine that stands 15 feet tall, weighs 404 tons, goes over 60 miles an hour and restored to the way it looked and sounded when it was built by the Lima Locomotive Works in 1944.
Celebrated for pulling passenger excursions throughout the country as a goodwill ambassador, the 765 is the pride of the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society and one of only a handful of steam locomotives that still operate in the United States."