Yesterday I had the absolute fun of doing our little neighbors 5 year pictures. The weather was crazy! On the way to a local park it was a torrential down pour, but passing thru a traffic light it stopped & was dry. When I looked in my rear view mirror I could still see how hard it was raining behind me. Thankfully the park remained dry though soo hot! Got a few beach snaps towards the end of the session & would have loved to do a few more if we had not been threatened with a fast moving black cloud & I feared for my beloved Nikon. I was nearly half way to my car running when I realized...I left my keys at the very other end of the beach!!! We beat the rain just as we pulled home, but my legs felt like jello. Besides the unpredictable Ohio weather Ariana was such a cut up! Another little one who likes to do her own poses & super cute head tilts & she just had me laughing.