Please meet my baby boy Gavin Xavier. We welcomed him into our world this past Friday, June 24th at 6:14. 6 lbs 6 oz & 19 in. I had been worried about having a baby boy being that I'm use to my 2 beautiful girls full of sparkles & tutus. But my heart is just bursting & I can't stop kissing him...when I'm not taking pictures of him. I just don't want him to grow up. It's been a rough year. Between my dad being sick & passing & a rough pregnancy I will be taking the Summer to enjoy my last baby & time with my 1st baby before she starts Kindergarten this Fall. My husband felt that since we had a rough year & our family is officially complete he surprised us with our 1st family vacation ever & to the Outer Banks in September & since his family lives down there we will visit them before heading back to Ohio & it's also Lucy's 3rd birthday in September as well. So...I will be back in October refreshed & anew at your service. I miss you all & thank you for your warm words & patronage especially this past year. Lily & Lucy are over the moon for their baby brother &...( here come the tears! haha!! ) I know I've always been blessed, but I feel like the sun is shining a little brighter than it has in awhile & I am just feeling extra thankful. {{BIG HUGS!!!}} Please feel free to check out Gavin's album on Star Portraits Facebook page in the next day or so. Just learning to juggle 3 lil ones & working on his pictures has been good practice, but they will be up in the next day or so. xoxox http://www.facebook.com/pages/Star-Portraits/61920242138