Yesterday was the 1 year mark of my Daddy's passing & a year ago the day before that was when I learned I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. One of the biggest pains in my heartache has been knowing that Gavin would never get to know how amazing & selfless his Pops was & that I would never have any pictures of the 2 of them together. ...well, never say never. I thought of this upon trying to fall asleep last night & then couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't wait to do it the next day. It's very hard to photoshop when your eyes are filled with tears. Every time I hug my baby I remember that half of him came from me which came from my dad & I try to feel like when I'm hugging Gavin that I'm hugging my Daddy too. Also, the cars in the pic were my dads. Gavin really seemed to like them