I've done my share of photo sessions & it many a times the parents probably work harder than I do. They get sweaty, they get flustered & a bit beside themselves when their child won't sit still, won't do pictures without a paci in their mouth, is terrified of my camera, is terrified of me, refuses to do an outfit change, etc... It's all ok!!! Please don't let any of that bother you! Many a parent has said, "They never act like this!?" I can see & feel that they seem embarrassed or stressed. I always go with your childs flow & along with how much your child is willing to give. Sometimes I snap pictures where they were screaming, but it can also sometimes appear that the were laughing out loud. No one, but us would know what was really going on! We take lil breaks & try different things as we go. I'm there to capture the images, but usually the kids are run the show. Just going with the flow also works better for you & your children. I do my best to work my magic & get as many images as possible. Maybe we didn't get the shots we both had in mind, BUT...these images will still capture the essence & innocence of your child at that age. Each age, stage & moment is soo fleeting. You will still look back on these images, remember the crazy day & remember how your child was feeling in those moments & hold that memory in your heart which is still captured forever. They may be older now, but they will always be that lovable person.
( Picture example above - My Lucy. I dreamed of doing her 2 year portraits with the ocean backdrop of the Outer Banks while on vacation. While I gave them a lecture allll the way to the beach that we were doing pictures 1st & then they could play...once they got out of the car my words had already washed away. She refused to cooperate & only wanted to look for sea shells. I still took many pictures & again, was not at all what I had envisioned & was excitedly looking forward to since we booked our trip. But the 1st is probably my most FAVE capture of them all. That expression is just priceless & she is still soo soo soo beautiful. The other image she was screaming & crying that she was too close the waves. It was a good 20 steps away to the water. But I photoshopped out the tears & she's not the happiest looking chica in the world, but it worked for me. They don't call it the Terrible Two's for nothing!! )