All That Glitters template

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Picture Perfect!

July can be one of two things weather wise.  Either rainy or sweltering hot.  No one cares to look sweaty & red in the face for their portraits.  This last Sunday in July turned out to be almost chilly by Summer standards.  Honestly, perfect portrait weather!!  Not only was the weather perfect, the sky seemed to have perfectly happy clouds.  We were snapping away & the boys started to get a bit restless when I remembered Mr. J LOVES trains.  Suddenly I got a boost of work back out of them & a few fun pics by the tracks & about to head back when what does Mr. J notice in distance?  A faint choo choo!!  I nearly jumped around like I won the lottery when I got this shot.  The green, sunny setting, the picturesque blue sky, the train depot & the engine with bright light & the boys gave me 2 precious seconds away from looking at the train to look into my lens.  Like God lined up every single moment & told me just went to snap.  Happy hearts definitely make happy pictures.  Thank you "H" Family!!  Love you guys all so very much!  xoxoxoxo