I've heard people say how the internet is a bad thing. Perhaps. Though it also can be a very wonderful thing. Thanks to Facebook I noticed a cousin of mine who was friends with someone with a family last name. We graduated the same year from the same high school. I decided to message her & sure enough her dad is my aunts brother & so we are also cousins! We even grew up streets away from each other! It is kind of a bummer to think we weren't in each others lives growing up when we were so near by. Sometimes the internet makes the world a perfectly smaller place because today we got to unite over a portrait session & got to connect not only with her, but her mom, her husband, her baby girl & their furry puppy love. It was a beautiful day & just warm enough to get a few pics outside too. I had so much fun taking pictures of them & it was also nice to feel like we were already connected with ease & fun of talking. This picture doesn't show how fun loving her tiny doll is with her infectious smiles, but it does capture how beautiful my 2 cousins are here & how happy my heart is to have found them. {{Hugs}}